Kalapani ,
lipulek,limpiyadhura are part of Nepal.proved
Kalapani is the region
that lies next near the western boundary of nepal.according to sugauli
treaty,kalapani clearly is the part of nepal.but the region like kalapani,lipulekh,limpiyadhura are being
encroached by india since a long time and now.
In the new map of india it has
included kalapani inside its own boundries.
Since when and how was
kalapani encroached?
Why is india knowlingly
doing so?
The story
begins from sugauli treaty of 1816. According to article 5 “ “The Rajah of
nepal renounces for himself and his heirs,and sucessors all claNEPALIim to or connection with the
countries lying to the west of the river kali and engages never to have concern
with those countries or inhabitants thereof.””” of sugauli treaty the
western boundary of nepali is kali(mahakali). These means the source of kali
river Is the tri-junction point of nepal,india and china. The source of kali
river is limpiyadhura that lies 16 km farther from kalapani. Also it must have
been named kali because its origine from rocked mountain of limpiyadhura. And
all the areas like kuti, gunji, navi are also of nepal. Long ago people of kuti
paid tax in nepal. This region is also called “small kailash”. Nepali people
used to bath in parvati lake here and worship parvati temple.
Later on , india declare one
artificial pond to be the source of kali river and claimed all the region
western to this. To strengthen this claim,it also built a kali temple.
Construction material were brought with helicopter in areas like kuti and army
camps,road,government office were built.later on india placed these region in
almora district .
Of course,sugauli treaty had no
map.the origine place of kali river is also not described in it because it was
not necessary at all. It was cleared ,the source of kali is limpiyadhura and it
still is.
This is just of forcibly induced
confusion.there are more than sufficient proof of this.
From 1816 to 1856
All maps show limpiyahhura as the
source of kali.
Map of india published
from london in 1816 AD.
Similarly,map prepared
by captain web in 1819 AD.
Map by hydrographer james
horsh survey in 1827 AD.
And then map released by survey
general of india in 24 april,1856 AD. to create confusion regarding map
published began to have intrtnational differences.In the map published by
general of india 1856,instead of a tri-junction point at limpiyadhura by
following kali river as the boundry . A small river following from lipulek was made the boundry and lipulek was made tri-junction.
Lipulek is very important region for
trade. This pass is much easier than other pass for tibet. Every year from 1st june to 31st october trade between
india and china is being constructed through lipulek pass.
Kalapani was encroched from 1962 by
india using it’s military.
In 1952 Nepal gave permission to
place indian armies in its northern boundry.In indo-china war of 1962 india
made a bunker in kalapani and placed its camp. There were 18 indian camps
including kalapani in nepal. When nepal asked to remove the armies from it’s
region .india removed them all the place except
kalapani and even tii now kalapani is under military control.
The main region for this is kalapani
stratiges importance.
When war is being fought in mountain
region the armies in hight have huge
benefit.they can easily target the armies below .kalapani have same kind
of advantage and due to this region during indo-china war of 1962 AD china
didn’t attack at kalapani at all. And seeing this benefit ,india didn’t leave
the place.
Now, recently in november 2,2019 in
the new mao released by survey of india. India has included kalapani within
it’s boundry.this act is shame for both country as well. If nepal had strictly
taken any action against india at those
days .these things would not happen in present. Mistake were done by nepal as
well which resulted to this.thus by correcting these mistake action should be
taken such that these things don’t repeat in future days.also not only kalapani
,talk should be done with india to bring back all nepalese land upto
Nepal was unable to publish it’s map
from long time.
From 1827 -1856 india use to publish
nepal map in which kalapani and lipulek lies in nepal.but in 1865 kalapani was not put inside nepal map.
-----shankar pandit-------